Reset NVRAM. Release the keys after you hear the startup sound again. Start up from OS X Recovery over the Internet. Once again, The easiest way is to install it through CRAN by going to the CRAN downloads page and following the links as shown in the video below: The next step is to click on the 'R-3.6.2.pkg' (or newer version) file to begin the installation.
#Mac os command r mac os
Start up from a NetBoot server using the default boot image. Installing R on Mac OS is similar to Windows. Start up from a compatible NetBoot server. Start up to either Apple Hardware Test or Apple Diagnostics over the Internet. Start up to either Apple Hardware Test or Apple Diagnostics, depending on which Mac you're using. Start up from a bootable CD, DVD, or USB thumb drive (such as OS X install media). The links below point to other support documents on Apple's website. I'm betting many of you don't know them all, either, so here they are. I was personally familiar with these and several others, but it turns out there are 15 total combinations, thanks to a KnowledgeBase article Apple posted. If no updates are available, youll be returned to the command prompt. Command-S is for "single-user mode," which essentially means booting to the command line. Wait as your Mac searches Apples servers for any macOS software updates currently available for your system. Shift key, for instance, starts your Mac in Safe mode, and C (or c) starts up from a bootable CD, DVD, or thumb drive. Your Mac and OS X have a variety of startup keys and key combinations you can use to affect how the device starts up.